You may request a refund of your payments to us, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
- Your account was created 30 or fewer days ago
- Your account with us is in good standing (i.e. there are no overdue amounts owing) and there have been no violations of this ToS;
- None of your payments to us have been previously been or currently are disputed or charged back;
- None of the IP addresses assigned to your VPS are on any blacklist or blocklist, and none of those IP addresses were previously replaced by us due to blacklisting;
- The monthly data transfer usage on your VPS is under 10% of your monthly quota;
- The number of services (active or cancelled) under your account is 3 or fewer;
- The sum of all payments you have made to us is $100 or less and the total number of payments you have made to us is 10 or fewer; and
- You have not previously received a refund under a different account.
When a refund is requested and all the foregoing conditions are met, we will do the following:
- Provide a full refund of payments made towards the account, starting from the time the account was created, with the exception of payments for IP address changes (if any);
- Immediately terminate all services under the account; and
- Immediately and irreversibly delete all data, snapshots and backups associated with the account.
Refunds will only be issued in the original form of payment. After a refund is processed, the relevant account may be used for future orders, but it will not be eligible for any further refunds.
- 您的帐户是在 30 天或更短时间内创建的
- 您在我们这里的账户信誉良好(即没有逾期欠款)并且没有违反本服务条款;
- 您向我们支付的任何款项之前或目前都没有争议或退款;
- 分配给您的 VPS 的 IP 地址均未在任何黑名单或阻止名单中,并且这些 IP 地址之前均未因列入黑名单而被我们替换;
- 您的 VPS 上的每月数据传输使用量低于您每月配额的 10%;
- 您帐户下的服务(活动或取消)数量为 3 项或更少;
- 您向我们支付的所有款项总和不超过 100 美元,并且您向我们支付的总次数不超过 10 次’
- 您之前没有在其他帐户下收到退款。
- 从创建帐户之日起,全额退还针对该帐户的付款,但 IP 地址更改(如果有)的付款除外;
- 立即终止该账户下的所有服务;
- 立即且不可逆转地删除与该帐户关联的所有数据、快照和备份。
- 搬瓦工新手教程整理:《搬瓦工新手入门指南:搬瓦工介绍 / 机房推荐 / 购买教程》
- 搬瓦工优惠码整理:《最新可用搬瓦工优惠码,实时更新搬瓦工优惠码》
- 搬瓦工线路类型科普:《搬瓦工CN2 GT、搬瓦工CN2 GIA与电信普通163线路的区别与选择》
- 搬瓦工方案推荐:《搬瓦工哪个机房好?搬瓦工哪个机房快?》
- 搬瓦工购买教程:《搬瓦工新用户注册和购买教程,循环优惠码,支持支付宝》
- 搬瓦工测速网站整理:《搬瓦工DC2/DC3/DC4/DC6/DC8/DC9机房演示站点地址汇总》,测试IP分享:《搬瓦工/BandwagonHost VPS各节点官方测速地址》
更多搬瓦工VPS的相关教程,参考搬瓦工中文网更多文章:- 搬瓦工是什么?带你对搬瓦工有个整体了解:搬瓦工新手教程整理:搬瓦工介绍 / 机房推荐 / 购买教程
- 搬瓦工有优惠码吗?最新搬瓦工优惠码整理:搬瓦工优惠码
- 想搭建个人网站?手把手一步步教你:搬瓦工建站教程
- 搬瓦工速度慢?搬瓦工加速全教程:搬瓦工加速方法汇总
- 购买的方案正好断货?搬瓦工补货通知群(禁言,仅推送):874585274
- 搬瓦工最便宜方案?配置、购买链接全部准备好:
套餐名称 | CPU | 内存大小 | 硬盘容量 | 每月流量 | 带宽 | 价格/年 | 购买链接 |
搬瓦工CN2-GIA-E(线路好,三网CN2 GIA,可选搬瓦工日本机房和DC6、DC9两个CN2 GIA机房,2.5Gbps带宽,建站推荐) | |||||||
CN2 GIA ECOMMERCE | 2核 | 1 GB | 20 GB | 1000 GB | 2.5 Gbps | $169.99 | 立即购买 |
搬瓦工CN2特惠方案(性价比,新手入门推荐) | |||||||
CN2 | 1核 | 1024 MB | 20 GB | 1000 GB | 1 Gbps | $49.99 | 立即购买 |
搬瓦工香港特惠方案(香港CN2 GIA,直连低延迟,大带宽香港VPS) | |||||||
香港CN2 GIA | 2核 | 2048 MB | 40 GB | 500 GB | 1 Gbps | $899.99 | 立即购买 |